Miguel Angel Alfaro Rey (Cádiz).
After completing upper secondary school student at the School of Arts of Cadiz, obtaining the Drawing Advertising specialties and Decoration.
- Technical prepress
- Graphic Designer
- Occupational Trainer
- Illustrator
Some awards:
- 1st Prize of the poster of the International Theatre Festival of Cadiz.
- 5 th Prize Competition "Youth Values" by HE. Municipality of Chiclana de la Frontera.
- 2 º adorns Design Award, organized by the SAME.
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts.
- Annual Exhibition of Painting of the City Council Chiclana
- Autumn Salon (San Fernando City Council.)
- Art Café
- Escuela de Bellas Artes de Cádiz
- Cultural Center "The Toothpick"
- Arches of Santa Elena
- "The Tostadero"
Make pictures to:
- "Diario de Cádiz"
- "Diario de Jerez"
- "Southern Europe"
- "Voice of the Bay"
- Annual "El Cajon" Carnival,
- "Journal Worry"
- "FHM"
Several works in private collections scattered throughout much of Spain and
particularly in large part Europe and the U.S..